Beyond Barbados Part 2- Sweet Success video segment focuses on Europeans establishing Barbados as a colony. There is an emphasis on identifying how the Europeans sought for a cash crop, sugar cane, to...
Sometimes the history of a place begins elsewhere and the colony of South Carolina actually began somewhere else, almost two thousand miles across the sea. The settlement of Charles Towne that would grow into the colony of South Carolina, owes its origins and success to a tiny island in the West Indies that most of us know nothing about. Yet, over 7 million Americans can trace their roots directly to this Caribbean paradise.
Beyond Barbados Part 2- Sweet Success video segment focuses on Europeans establishing Barbados as a colony. There is an emphasis on identifying how the Europeans sought for a cash crop, sugar cane, to...
Beyond Barbados Part 3- The Barbados Adventures video segment focuses on the growth and wealth of Barbados with sugar cane as the cash crop. It notes that Europeans developed plantations throughout...
Beyond Barbados Part 5- A Cultural Hearth video segment focuses on the rebellions that took place in Barbados and the false “Emancipation” that was presented to enslaved Africans after the rebellions...
Sometimes the history of a place begins elsewhere and the colony of South Carolina actually began somewhere else, almost two thousand miles across the sea. The settlement of Charles Towne that would...Lesson
Most students today understand that the Carolinas were colonized by the English who had come to Charleston by way of the Caribbean trade routes, primarily Barbados. This module describes the...
History never really happens in a vacuum. Barbados was an amalgam of many cultures, which was made even more complicated by the social control of those in power over those enslaved. The clash of...
Barbados was one of the wealthiest colonies in the New World and one of the most densely populated areas on the planet. Barbados greatly changed from years of settlement and economic pursuits. “Place”...
Power was a commodity in Barbados that easily transferred to Carolina. Cultural beliefs and practices influenced Carolina’s economy and helped shape the “place” that would become South Carolina.
Historians refer to Barbados as the cultural hearth of the Americas. This cultural hearth resulted in a cultural transference. As demographics changed and power shifted, so did perceptions of “place”...