The 193 countries that make up the United Nations are working together on a world of problems. You may have seen stories about these problems in the newspapers or on the news. In the following pages, you can read about some of the major concerns of the United Nations. Discuss some solutions with your classmates!

Refugees | Periscope
Refugees | Periscope
Episode 1


During times of war, people sometimes have to leave their home, or even their country, for safety. Often these people, or refugees, have no place to live and nothing to eat. They have fled their homes...
The Environment | Periscope
The Environment | Periscope
Episode 2


Can you imagine growing up in a world without the panda bear, forests, clean water and food? Around the world, pollution and development have affected the water, forests, animals, and air. The member...
Sustainable Consumption | Periscope
Sustainable Consumption | Periscope
Episode 3


The words "sustainable consumption" are used to describe a major goal of the U.N.. It's a couple of big words so lets break it down: The word sustainable means to sustain, or keep going. The word...
Hunger | Periscope
Hunger | Periscope
Episode 4


Today over 800 million people go to bed every night hungry. Every year, over 24,000 of those people will die from hunger and problems related to hunger. Many of them will be women and children. This...
World Food Program | Periscope
World Food Program | Periscope
Episode 5


The World Food Program (WFP) is a part of the United Nations that works to feed hungry people. Some of their programs bring food to refugees and victims of disasters such as droughts, floods and...
Postal Service | Periscope
Postal Service | Periscope
Episode 6


People in countries belonging to the United Nations send nearly 430 billion pieces of mail each year. But every country in the United Nations has a slightly different postal system. An important role...
World Health | Periscope
World Health | Periscope
Episode 7


Have you ever heard of disease called smallpox? You may not have heard of smallpox because a United Nations agency called the World Health Organization (WHO) helped wipe out the disease. The last case...
Eliminating Disease Through Education | Periscope
Eliminating Disease Through Education | Periscope
Episode 8


Today, the World Health Organization works to eliminate diseases such as AIDS. Like smallpox, AIDS is an epidemic, or incredibly widespread disease. Through WHO, the United Nations provides education...
Human Rights | Periscope
Human Rights | Periscope
Episode 9


Every nation provides its people with certain rights. These may be the right to vote, the right to work, or freedom of speech. The idea that the most important rights should be shared by people in...
Women's Rights | Periscope
Women's Rights | Periscope
Episode 10


In many nations, women are not allowed to vote, receive an education, or hold a job. The United Nations works to help countries create equal rights for men and women. This U.N. poster from India...