The Great Depression
The Great Depression


The students will be able to demonstrate an understanding of the great depression and the effects it had on people's lives.

Holocaust Interviews
Holocaust Interviews


Students will explore those who experienced the Holocaust and now live in South Carolina.

Vary Your Veggies
Vary Your Veggies


Students will define vegetable, vitamin, and mineral. They will be able to identify the vegetable portion of MyPlate. They will also describe the health benefits of eating a variety of vegetables.



Students explore careers and create informational brochures about their chosen career.

Two Voices and a Tableau: Pearl Harbor and 9/11
Two Voices and a Tableau: Pearl Harbor and 9/11


The attack on Pearl Harbor in 1941 shocked the nation. Citizens and servicemen were caught off guard and left vulnerable to the Japanese attacks. Sixty years later in 2001, the United States endured...

A Trip to the Dentist
A Trip to the Dentist


Students can define cavity, healthy food, and snacks. They will describe the relationship between excessive sugar consumption and obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. They also will demonstrate good...

Where Does Your Food Grow?
Where Does Your Food Grow?


Students will define farm, garden, orchard, farmers market, roadside stand, and grocery store. They will recognize foods come from different places.

Once Around the Clock
Once Around the Clock


Students will define nutrients, physical activity, and replenish. They will discuss why the body needs physical activity and explain the importance of replenishing nutrients after activity.