ETV Education

Title: Type
Life During World War Two
Life During World War Two


Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the World War Two Era in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students...

Life In The Roaring Twenties
Life In The Roaring Twenties


Students will be immersed in the music, dance, culture and history of the Roaring Twenties in this infotainment-style program. Entertainers and teaching artists Gracie and Lacy engage students through...

Part 6: From Whence They Came
Part 6: From Whence They Came


Look around Charleston, the Barbados-Carolina connection is ever present. How “place”, past and present, changed and molded the connection is explored through various aspects of culture. The mixture...

Part 5: A Cultural Hearth
Part 5: A Cultural Hearth


Historians refer to Barbados as the cultural hearth of the Americas. This cultural hearth resulted in a cultural transference. As demographics changed and power shifted, so did perceptions of “place”...