Wars & Conflicts

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts including the French and Indian War, the American Revolutionary War, the War of 1812, the Mexican-American War, the American Civil War, the Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, the Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, the War in Afghanistan, and the Iraq War.

Explore the timeline of American wars and conflicts from the American Revolutionary War to current global conflicts.

National Former Prisoner of War Recognition Day (April 9)

This day honors those veterans who have served their country while being held captive in enemy territory. The day also honors the family of the prisoners of war and their long and anxious wait to see their family again. Visit the collection.

The Hunley's Design | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 4


In this segment, Sen. Glenn McConnell talks about the design of the Hunley. Previous replicas and diagrams of the Hunley were found to be inaccurate upon discovery of the real submarine.
Dixon's Gold Coin | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 7


Before the Hunley was found, Lieutenant George Dixon’s gold coin was just considered a legend. Dr. Maria Jacobsen tells the story and significance behind Lt. Dixon’s coin, and shares her excitement...
Identifying The Crew | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 8


Another challenge faced during the Hunley investigation was identifying the members of the crew. Determining who was who among the crew proved difficult due to lack of Confederate records. Dr. Maria...
A Giant Puzzle | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 1


In this first segment on the Confederate submarine C.S.S. Hunley, Walter Edgar and Senator Glenn McConnell discuss how finding the submarine disproved all pre-conceived notions about its design...
A Historic Time Capsule | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 3


The Hunley is described as “a historic time capsule.” Sen. Glenn McConnell discusses using the clues found in the Hunley to piece together what happened the night it sank the U.S.S. Housatonic.
Raising The Hunley | Walter Edgar's Journal
Episode 2


Senator Glenn McConnell discusses raising the Hunley. Some of the challenges faced were maritime legal issues, and how the submarine was going to be lifted off of the ocean floor. Preserving the...