A dramatic scene follows with William Gregg discussing the virtues of a diversified economy in South Carolina with friends of his. Then he happens upon a young man playing hooky at a pond near the...South Carolina Counties
The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.
The state of South Carolina is made up of 46 counties. Learn more about each county by selecting a county below to explore people, places and events.
To view the state by tourism regions, visit ETV Shorts.
To view the state by landform regions, visit Web of Water or for the artistic sides of the state, visit A Natural State.
Within this Collection
Agricultural Depression | Palmetto Special
The opening and closing wraparounds take place by an old abandoned tenant farm house in Pickens County near Clemson University. Here the host establishes the location and story line. The Reenactment...
Charlesfort | Palmetto Special
This episode goes from Columbia to Parris Island in Beaufort County. Parris Island today is the home of a large Marine Corps training base. There is a monument there, similar in the design to one...
Nancy Rhyne | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Nancy Rhyne resides in the capital city of South Carolina, after spending most of her adult life in the Lowcountry of our state. She began writing as a way to overcome a horrible experience she had in...
Tamar Myers | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Of Amish background, Tamar Myers now lives in our state and is the author of several Pennsylvania Dutch mysteries, including Custard’s Last Stand, The Hand that Rocks the Ladle, Between a Wok and Hard...
Orville Vernon Burton | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
A non-fiction writer who has also taught at Clemson University near his home, Vernon Burton has won a number of national and teaching awards. He is the author of more than a hundred articles and the...
Lois Battle | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Lois Battle comes to us from Beaufort, S.C., a beautiful coastal town. She shared the importance of learning from your prior writing, reading others work and integrating the five senses into the story...
Dorothea Benton Frank | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Born and raised on Sullivan’s Island, Dorothea Benton Frank is the New York Times best-selling author of Bulls Island, published in 2008, and many other works that use South Carolina as a backdrop...
Nathalie Dupree | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Ms. Dupree is the author of 14 best-selling cookbooks, selling over half a million copies, and host of over 300 TV shows, which have aired on PBS, The Learning Channel and The Food Network over a span...
Frances Strong | A Literary Tour of South Carolina
Frances D. Strong lives with her husband on her parent’s farm in Sumter, South Carolina. Earning a degree in elementary education with a minor in arts from Columbia College, she did not find that her...