Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

"To boldly go where no one has gone before is the hallmark of human progress and the prevailing spirit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers. If you’ve got the urge to figure out how things work and advance the frontiers of knowledge, a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics might be right for you. These jobs pay well because technological progress is so important to the growth of our economy, to our country’s security, and to the quality of future life on Earth."


Within this Collection

 Biochips & Research | diSCovering science
Biochips & Research | diSCovering science


Bruce Zhi Gao, Ph.D talks about cyber research and how different cells are put together to form a tissue that treats disease. Through fundamental research they are using a biochip as a tool to create...
 Cell Research | diSCovering science
Cell Research | diSCovering science


Their research is mainly cell interaction and they focus on: heart muscle cells, Neurons, cancer cells and stem cells. They study those cells due to the complicity of the diseases. Bruce Zhi Gao, Ph.D...
 Organ Printing Basics | diSCovering science
Organ Printing Basics | diSCovering science


Vladimir Mironov, MD, Ph.D., describes the process of organ printing - The “diSCovering Science” series features interviews with scientists and researchers from South Carolina’s colleges and...
 Alternative Energy | diSCovering science
Alternative Energy | diSCovering science


John Weidner, Ph.D., a chemical engineer at the University of South Carolina, talks about his researchers studying alternative energy storage - The “diSCovering Science” series features interviews...
 Alzheimer's Disease | diSCovering science
Alzheimer's Disease | diSCovering science


Melissa A. Moss, Ph.D., talks about advances being made in Alzheimer’s Disease research and explains how protein aggregates in the brain can lead to the progression of this disease - The “diSCovering...


Joe Flaherty, Ph.D., a biologist at Coker College in Hartsville, SC, talks about his lab’s research of fungal pathogens that affect food crops - The “diSCovering Science” series features interviews...
 Fuel Cells | diSCovering science
Fuel Cells | diSCovering science


John Weidner, Ph.D., looks at catalysts for fuel cells - The “diSCovering Science” series features interviews with scientists and researchers from South Carolina’s colleges and universities. These...
 Fungal Research | diSCovering science
Fungal Research | diSCovering science


Joe Flaherty, Ph.D., talks about his lab’s research of genes involved in fungal development - The “diSCovering Science” series features interviews with scientists and researchers from South Carolina’s...