Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics

"To boldly go where no one has gone before is the hallmark of human progress and the prevailing spirit in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics careers. If you’ve got the urge to figure out how things work and advance the frontiers of knowledge, a career in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics might be right for you. These jobs pay well because technological progress is so important to the growth of our economy, to our country’s security, and to the quality of future life on Earth."


Within this Collection

The Space Race Photo Gallery
The Space Race Photo Gallery


This photo gallery includes the following images: United States Air Force Pilot Charles E. "Chuck" Yeager Bell X-1 Sputnik National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics (NACA) Logo President Dwight D...
The Space Race, Part 2
Episode 2


Gemini is the not widely known bridge between Mercury, and the Apollo Program. Gemini would serve as the test-bed for Apollo; to prepare NASA for trips to the moon. After the successes with the Gemini...
The Space Race, Part 1
Episode 1


Part 1 briefly outlines the Cold War, and how the "Space Race" got started, with the Soviets' launching of Sputnik, in October, 1957. Next came the U.S. competing with the Soviets to launch a man into...
McNair, Ronald Erwin | South Carolina Public Radio


“M” is for McNair, Ronald Erwin [1950-1986]. Astronaut. As a young child in Lake City, McNair had a keen interest in science. After graduating from North Carolina Agricultural and State Technical...
Automotive Technician | I Made It ... You Can, Too


Automotive technicians inspect, maintain, and repair cars and trucks, often with the help of computers. They typically work on brake and hydraulic systems, exhaust, fuel ignition and electrical...