National Great Outdoors Month

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

Touch the Earth
Episode 7


Artworks in the nature-based sculpture program are categorized as "ephemeral" and "extended ephemeral." Ephemeral work has a relatively short life span. Works like Patrick Daugherty's Sittin' Pretty...
Episode 2


The sculptures of Art in the Park ranged from the whimsical to the sublime. Nearly all sculptures involved pine needles, one of the most abundant materials on the landscape. Constructions included a...
Landscape Architecture Professor | A Natural State
Episode 3


How do you define nature when its definition has changed through the centuries? The definition and idea of "art," "nature"and "natural" are difficult terms to pin down. Technology and our evolving...
Sandhills State Park | A Natural State
Episode 7


Nancy travels from her home in the Upstate to Sandhills State Park in Patrick to collect needles for her baskets. Dried needles are plentiful due to controlled burning of the park's long leaf pine...
Kudzu House | A Natural State
Episode 9


Kudzu's aggressive growth and status as an unwanted plant creates an abundance of materials for resourceful artists and crafters. Nancy uses the vine in baskets, paper, jams, jellies, teas, and most...
Collecting Kudzu | A Natural State
Episode 8


An old saying goes, "If you’re going to plant kudzu, drop it and run." The vine grows up to a foot a day during summer months and chokes the southeastern landscape with a dense, green mat of foliage...
Marcelo Novo
Episode 4


Marcelo Novo, a well-known South Carolina artist and self described "city boy," felt a bit out of his element at the Art in the Park event. Without paintbrush and canvas, Marcelo struggled to apply...
Episode 2


The Nature-based sculpture program is a collaborative project between artists, and students and teachers from a broad range of university studies. Horticulture, landscape architecture, English...
Touch the Earth
Episode 6


Several art forms and concepts are experienced through the nature-based sculpture program: Experiential: "Allowing the viewer to experience the sculpture by entering its space allows the viewer to...
Piedmont | Web of Water
Episode 2


In this webisode, as Ian Sanchez traveled through the Piedmont, he noticed the river had changed since leaving the mountains. Read more of his summary below: Ian's Journal As I traveled through the...