National Great Outdoors Month

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

National Great Outdoors Month is celebrated in June and serves as a reminder to enjoy and appreciate our state parks and wildlife refuges. This observation, begun in 1998, encourages us to explore our parks and enjoy the beauty that awaits us in our natural world.

Episode 1


Is topiary an attempt to control nature or a form of expression using a nature-based medium? The word topiary is derived from the Greek root word, topias, meaning ornamental garden. An account by...
A Natural State
Episode 2


Jimmie’s upbringing fostered creativity and resourcefulness. His joy in his family history is palpable. In his world, nothing is wasted. Every simple thing is treasured for the value of its inherent...
Episode 6


Sumter's downtown Mosaic Garden is the result of Pearl Fryar's inspiration and design, the guidance of dedicated teachers, and the imagination of over 400 students. While Pearl arranged garden paths...
Topiary Garden
Episode 3


Hedges and trees in Pearl's garden appear to flow and weave into one another, often making it difficult to see where one plant ends and another begins. The effect is created by tying the tips of...
Episode 1


A typical Phil Greene canoe is a Spotlight of exotic and indigenous woods that were cut, sanded, carved and refined for six months or more. The canoes combine sculptural details with practical design...
Episode 8


Many students had never explored Sumter's downtown area before participating in the Mosaic Garden project. Even fewer had heard the terms site-specific, topiary, and public art. The project...
Topiary Garden
Episode 4


The key to creating topiary is pruning. Pruning is the process of cutting off leaves and branches to encourage new growth and shape old growth. During the growing season, pruning is a daily affair in...
Construction of Nest
Episode 2


During our visit, Nils-Udo and a team of students and volunteers made final touches to the massive nest constructed of natural materials. Donned in parkas and muddy boots, the crew finished weaving...
Episode 1


The city of Sumter invited artists to experiment with nature-based art during its the Art in the Park event. Nature-based art is sculpture that uses natural materials, often materials found on-site...