The U.S. Army's Birthday | History In A Nutshell Shorts


The date of June 14th is the birthday of the United States Army! 

Founded on this day in 1775, the US Army’s origins are traced back to the old Continental Army, which was formed to fight against the British in the American Revolutionary War. The mission of the U.S. Army is "to fight and win our Nation's wars, by providing prompt, sustained land dominance, across the full range of military operations and the spectrum of conflict, in support of combatant commanders". Did you know the Army’s largest training facility in the country can be found right here in Columbia, South Carolina? Fort Jackson is the largest and most active basic training center for the entire U.S. Army- training about 50% of ALL soldiers entering each year! 

From 1775 to the present, the Army will continue rolling along! 

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