Triple P | WhatWorksSC


Triple P, the Positive Parenting Program, is a high quality, universally available, evidenced-based intervention with more than 20 years of peer-reviewed research. Triple P Greenville, launched in spring 1999, is a partnership between Greenville First Steps, the Children’s Trust of SC, the Greenville County Schools, and 20 community partners. Triple P is delivered with fidelity to a national model, as a multi-tiered system of parenting supports for the family. Parents can participate in large group sessions, small group sessions, or one-on-one. Communities also have access to print, online, and community-awareness resources. In Greenville, Triple P has assisted in reducing problematic behaviors in children and improving wellbeing and parenting skills. Parents and caregivers utilizing Triple P coaching say they are also less stressed, less depressed, and less likely to use harsh discipline within the household. The supportive parenting style promoted by Triple P helps families create structure and boundaries for their children, guiding their behavior.