Marie Brailey with a cane chairVisit the South Carolina Department of Education for Visual & Performing Arts standards.
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Alfred Hutty (1877-1954) first came to Charleston in 1919, and the city and the people in it became an important subject for his art. This portrait of "Maum Anne" has caught the dignity of this...Photo
The William Cooper family of Williamsburg County, photographed outside their home near Hemingway. A tobacco farmer, William "Yankee" Cooper owned about a hundred acres of land on which he supported...Photo
The unidentified woman in this portrait had her photo made in two ways: with her maid's uniform, and with her jewelry. She illustrates well the two separate roles that many African-American women...Photo
An important event at the Penn School was the annual Baby Fair, sponsored by the school as a way to encourage good nutrition and other health practices for children of St. Helena's Island. This...Photo
Mitchell Holloway is identified in this 1912 photograph as an "ex-slave of Boozer's." Courtesy of the Lexington County Museum.Photo
The family of photographer Walter L. Blanchard sitting in their Columbia dining room, around 1920. Photo by Blanchard. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
The Conyers family of Maple Mills, in Dillon: Father A.L. Conyers in the doorway, Mrs. Conyers, Llewlyn, Bessie, Ramsey, Sammie and Andres. All of the family except Mrs. Conyers worked in the mill...Photo
Miss Sedgewick and her house servants pose outside her home in the Winter Colony of Aiken in 1896. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.