Jimmie Dinkins explains the first steps in the process of making a kudzu basket.

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Jimmie Dinkins explains the first steps in the process of making a kudzu basket.

A Natural State
Episode 5


Jimmie’s life is abundant with memories. Weaving the past into the present is a way of solidifying and unifying both. While he is an untrained artist, Jimmie understands and appreciates the very...
A Natural State
Episode 1


Jimmie is a self-taught craftsman, who initially picked up the art of fashioning vines and branches into wreaths and baskets while caring for an ailing parent. He honed his art and moved into the...
Episode 1


Organic materials such as pine needles are considered "free for the taking" and have qualities that can not be reproduced by humans. But collecting natural materials comes at a price for the...
Coiled Kudzu Basket
Episode 3


Organic raffia and the kudzu shreds come in varying lengths. After three or four wraps of the coiled basket, one usually runs out of kudzu and/or raffia. In this step Nancy shows how to add new pieces...
Coiled Kudzu Basket
Episode 5


Like snowflakes, no two coiled kudzu baskets are alike. The basket is complete when the maker is pleased with its size and shape. In this optional step, Nancy shows how to add a handle to a finished...
Pulp Paper Process
Episode 11


Sheets of paper are formed using a plastic needle point canvas, which distributes the pulp across an even, flat area. In this video Nancy shows how to do the "paper maker's shake" and other techniques...
Uktena Legend | A Natural State
Episode 6


Folklore is often the inspiration for Nancy's weavings and paper collages. Stories of "Uktena, the Great Snake" have been passed down through numberless generations of Cherokee people. Using a basket...
Sandhills State Park | A Natural State
Episode 7


Nancy travels from her home in the Upstate to Sandhills State Park in Patrick to collect needles for her baskets. Dried needles are plentiful due to controlled burning of the park's long leaf pine...
Collecting Kudzu | A Natural State
Episode 8


An old saying goes, "If you’re going to plant kudzu, drop it and run." The vine grows up to a foot a day during summer months and chokes the southeastern landscape with a dense, green mat of foliage...
Kudzu House | A Natural State
Episode 9


Kudzu's aggressive growth and status as an unwanted plant creates an abundance of materials for resourceful artists and crafters. Nancy uses the vine in baskets, paper, jams, jellies, teas, and most...