The Beaufort Waterfront, 1906 | History Of SC Slide Collection
The Beaufort waterfront in as it appeared in 1906. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
The Beaufort waterfront in as it appeared in 1906. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
Fire damage to Sherper's Wharf in Beaufort, 1907. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
Downtown Beaufort in the 1860s. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
Granite Street in Batesburg, around 1913. Batesburg and nearby Leesville, both in Lexington County, were named after the families on whose plantations they developed. After the 1890s, the railroads...Photo
Although Anderson itself is primarily an industrial city, it is the county seat of an important agricultural county. Cattle are shown being judged at the "Fat Cattle Show," March 25, 1941, at McGees...Photo
Anderson public square in the 1930s. From the files of the Works Progress Administration Writer's Program. Photo by Lewis D. Moorhead. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
The Anderson town square and county courthouse around 1908. Anderson County was carved out of the old Pendleton District, created in 1789 from Cherokee Native American lands deeded to the state in...Photo
A street scene of Allendale, looking south, around 1951. The present site of Allendale was determined by the construction of the Charleston and Western Carolina Railroad through the area around 1872...Photo
Aerial view of Aiken, around 1956. Courtesy of the Aiken County Historical Museum.Photo
Aiken County Courthouse, photographed by J.A. Palmer, around 1890. The town of Aiken was laid out in 1834, at the western end of the Charleston-Hamburg Railway line, built to carry cotton from the...