The Chicora College Basketball Team, 1914 | History Of SC Slide Collection
The Chicora College Basketball team in 1914. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
The Chicora College Basketball team in 1914. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
Women played competitive team sports too, as illustrated by this lively basketball game between Winthrop College and Converse College in 1912. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
A baseball game on May Day Health Day at Ashwood Plantation. Courtesy of the Library of Congress.Photo
The Columbia All-Stars were an African-American professional baseball team. Photo by Walter Livingston Blanchard, ca. 1920. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.Photo
The Piedmont Manufacturing baseball team, 1889. Textile mill villages provided opportunities for recreation as well as for work, and most mill communities had their own baseball teams. Mills recruited...Photo
The University of South Carolina football team around 1950, playing at Melton Field Stadium, with the crowd kept back by ropes. Note the difference not only between these uniforms and today's uniforms...Photo
Manly Field, Furman, 1929--the first football stadium in the South Atlantic to be lighted for games at night. A newspaper account of the first night game played there reports that the lights were on...Photo
Joe Tilghman, who played for Furman University, was named All State End in 1924, 1925, and 1926. From the Baptist Historical Collection. Courtesy of the Furman University Archives Special Collections...Photo
Football uniforms and equipment have changed a great deal during the 20th century. The helmets and nose guards of these players at Laurens High School in 1909 were made of leather. Courtesy of the...Photo
A mill village in York. Photo from the Works Progress Administration, 1930s. Courtesy of the South Caroliniana Library.