Finding Clovis Shorts: Allendale Paleoamerican Expedition | Carolina Stories 12
Scientists, and Students, and Volunteers! Oh, my!Video
Scientists, and Students, and Volunteers! Oh, my!Video
Pre-Clovis and Clovis artifacts found at TopperVideo
Topper is one of the very best sources for artifacts from the Clovis culture.Video
How were Clovis tools made?Video
Where did the Clovis people come from?Video
One possible explanation for destruction of the Clovis cultureVideo
Were there people at the Topper site before Clovis?Video
Can it be proven that pre-Clovis artifacts found at Topper were really made by humans?Video
Interview with Graham Dixon, producer of PBS science program Time Team America (2008)Video
The search for answers at Topper