S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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Reconstruction | Palmetto Heritage


This show explains the importance of the election of 1876 and as a result how SC at one time had 2 governors from different political parties, who tried to rule the state at the same time...
Battle of King's Mountain | Palmetto Heritage


In this program, Lord Cornwallis has ordered Major Patrick Ferguson, a Scotsman, to form the Loyalists into a strong royal militia. In late September 1780, Ferguson took up post near present day...
Tillman-Gonzales Murder Trial | Palmetto Special


The video take place at the corner of Main and Gervais Streets in Columbia, same site where the murder occurred. In addition, the host comes in and out of reenactment of the trial to tie the segments...
Forces of Unity and Division
Forces of Unity and Division


Students will read letters written in history and see how they tell the story of the past and what society and the culture was like at the time. After learning more about sectionalism and the division...

Cherokee Today | Periscope
Cherokee Today | Periscope
Episode 3


Today, Oconee County is home to the modern Cherokees of South Carolina. Traditional arts, crafts, foods, and language are still part of the Cherokee way of life.
Cherokee | Periscope
Cherokee | Periscope
Episode 1


The first "interstate" in South Carolina was created by the Cherokee. It was known as "the Cherokee Path." In the 1700s, this route led traders from the coast of Charleston past the Columbia area and...
Chicora | Periscope
Chicora | Periscope
Episode 1


The Chicora were traditionally a coastal tribe living near Pawleys Island, South Carolina. They grew corn, tobacco and beans in their gardens and domesticated animals like deer and chickens. Because...
Edisto Natchez-Kusso | Periscope
Edisto Natchez-Kusso | Periscope
Episode 2


In the mid 1700s, the Natchez moved to Kusso lands near the Edisto River in South Carolina. Mixing tribal traditions and culture was not uncommon in South Carolina tribes.