S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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 A Path to Victory, Part 1 1
A Path to Victory, Part 1
Episode 1


This segment begins with reflections of the Parisians playing "Dixie" on the Champs-Élysées, and a band marching, and a reference to "high cotton." These are some of the memories that have lived on...
 A Path to Victory, Part 2 2
A Path to Victory, Part 2
Episode 2


The Hedgerows were unanticipated and required a new type of warfare. They were quite entangled and provided lots of cover, and made the terrain difficult to maneuver. No one could see what they were...
 A Path to Victory, Part 3 3
A Path to Victory, Part 3
Episode 3


Veterans reflect on General Patton, from the way he required his men to dress to the way he so directly addressed his men right up front, saying, "Some who sailed over here are not going back home."...
 A Path to Victory, Part 4 4
A Path to Victory, Part 4
Episode 4


A first-hand account of Auschwitz is provided by Lou Fowler. "The Germans were absolutely obsessed with killing people. It was a killing machine."
The Arnold Gully | History of SC Slide Collection
The Arnold Gully | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 7


The Arnold gully, four miles west of Woodruff on Buncombe Road, South Tiger Erosion Project. The gully in the photo was measured at 20 feet deep (before treatment with kudzu, it had been 35 feet deep)...
Okra | History of SC Slide Collection
Okra | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 5


Okra was a crop first brought to South Carolina from Africa. It is now a staple of southern cooking, widely used to thicken stews and gumbos. Here it is harvested around 1970 at the Clemson experiment...
Tractor and Grader | History of SC Slide Collection
Tractor and Grader | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 4


Spartanburg County, August 1936. J.T. Hudson's land at Woodruff, South Carolina. "Tractor and grader used to construct terraces. In addition to this machine, Mr. Hudson is operating five teams with...