S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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 Hispanics | South Carolina Public Radio
Hispanics | South Carolina Public Radio


“H” is for Hispanics. Hispanics are among South Carolina’s oldest and most recent immigrant groups. Long before English settlers landed at Jamestown, Spanish explorers laid claim to the territory in...
 Hipp, Francis Moffett | South Carolina Public Radio
Hipp, Francis Moffett | South Carolina Public Radio


“H” is for Hipp, Francis Moffett [1911-1995]. Insurance executive. After graduating from Furman, Hipp joined his father’s company, Liberty Life Insurance. The Greenville-based firm also owned radio...
 Charleston Riot | South Carolina Public Radio
Charleston Riot | South Carolina Public Radio


“C” is for the Charleston Riot [1876]. As the crucial local, state, and national elections of 1876 approached, tensions between the races in South Carolina reached a boiling point. In Charleston black...
 Winnsboro | South Carolina Public Radio
Winnsboro | South Carolina Public Radio


“W” is Winnsboro [Fairfield County, population 3,599]. Winnsboro, the seat of Fairfield County, lies in the Piedmont on a ridge between the Broad and Wateree Rivers. In 1768 John Winn began acquiring...
 Blake, Joseph | South Carolina Public Radio
Blake, Joseph | South Carolina Public Radio


“B” is for Blake, Joseph [1663-1700]. Governor. Born in England, Blake was a leader of the Dissenter political faction in South Carolina and a supporter of the Lords Proprietors in their disputes with...