S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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 Rainey, Joseph | South Carolina Public Radio
Rainey, Joseph | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rainey, Joseph Hayne [1832-1887]. Congressman. Rainey was born a slave, but his father—a barber—was able to purchase his family's freedom. During the Civil War, he was forced to serve as a...
 Williamson, Andrew | South Carolina Public Radio
Williamson, Andrew | South Carolina Public Radio


“W” is for Williamson, Andrew [ca. 1730-1786]. Soldier. Williamson immigrated to Ninety Six District from his native Scotland. He was a lieutenant during the Cherokee War. An ardent patriot at the...
 Rivers | South Carolina Public Radio
Rivers | South Carolina Public Radio


“R” is for Rivers. South Carolina has an abundance of rivers that originate within the state or that enter from Georgia and North Carolina and drain land as far away as Virginia. These rivers flow...
 McNair, Robert Evander | South Carolina Public Radio
McNair, Robert Evander | South Carolina Public Radio


“M” is for McNair, Robert Evander [1923-2007]. Attorney, legislator, governor. During World War II, McNair served 23 months in the Pacific theater. After the war, he graduated from USC and moved to...
 Gray, Wil Lou | South Carolina Public Radio
Gray, Wil Lou | South Carolina Public Radio


“G” is for Gray, Wil Lou [1883-1984]. Educator, public servant. Gray was a native of Laurens where members of her family were influential civic leaders, devoted Methodists, and contributors to the...
 Drovers | South Carolina Public Radio
Drovers | South Carolina Public Radio


“D” is for Drovers. From around 1800 until the 1880s, livestock from Kentucky, Tennessee, Georgia, and North Carolina were driven through Greenville County to the seaport at Charleston—destined for...
 Charleston Mercury | South Carolina Public Radio
Charleston Mercury | South Carolina Public Radio


“C” is for the Charleston Mercury. Although begun as a literary journal, the Charleston Mercury developed into one of the state’s most radical and combative newspapers. In 1821, a local bookseller...