S.C. History

South Carolina's historical events, people and places. Content has been curated to meet South Carolina Social Studies Standards.
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 Vesta Mills | South Carolina Public Radio
Vesta Mills | South Carolina Public Radio


“V” is for Vesta Mills of Charleston. In 1899, Spartanburg textile manufacturer John Montgomery and New York merchant Seth Milliken purchased the Charleston Cotton Mills and renamed it Vesta Mills...
 Atlantic Beach | South Carolina Public Radio
Atlantic Beach | South Carolina Public Radio


“A” is for Atlantic Beach. [Horry County; population 351]. A historically black beach community, Atlantic Beach is located fifteen miles north of Myrtle Beach. Atlantic Beach flourished during the...
 Gospel Music | South Carolina Public Radio
Gospel Music | South Carolina Public Radio


"G" is for Gospel Music. Gospel music as a genre consists of two major categories, White Gospel and Black Gospel. Both styles share similar musical routes that stem from the evangelical religious...