South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries

1945 -  Present. Meet South Carolinians who made significant contributions during Cold War America (1945-1991) and The Civil Rights Movement (1947 - 1972). Learn how the political and economic landscape evolved in South Carolina too.
South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries | Topics
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South Carolina - Late 20th & Early 21st Centuries | Topics
Lester Bates | History of SC Slide Collection
Lester Bates | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 10


The growing pressures brought to bear against legal segregation by the federal court system, that culminated in the 1954 Supreme Court decision in "Brown v. The Board of Education" of Topeka, Kansas...
The "Barnwell Ring" of South Carolina
The "Barnwell Ring" of South Carolina
Episode 5


The famous "Barnwell Ring" of South Carolina. Senator Edgar Brown, left, the state's senior Senator and chairman of the finance committee, and House Speaker Sol Blatt (see Solomon Blatt), both from...