South Carolina - Late 19th Century

1865-1900. The late 19th century included recovery and many changes as a result of the American Civil War. African Americans experienced a number of ups and downs after the emancipation. The women's suffrage movement began to take shape. Agriculture systems changed drastically and many laborers began working in fast-growing industries like textile mills.
South Carolina - Late 19th Century | Topics
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South Carolina - Late 19th Century | Topics
20th Century, Part 1 | Conversations on S.C. History
Episode 17


Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. South Carolina Enters the 20th Century, Part I is discussed in three lessons: Predominately agricultural through...
SC State House, Part 2
Episode 2


The construction of the State House was begun in 1855 and continued through February 17, 1865. It is South Carolina's third State House. The first one was built in the mid-18th century in Charleston...
A Video Overview
Episode 1


Settled in the mid-18 th century by the Bratton family—Scots-Irish Presbyterians, originally of Scottish ancestry, who had moved to northern Ireland in the 17 th century, and came to North America in...
Reconstruction | Palmetto Heritage


This show explains the importance of the election of 1876 and as a result how SC at one time had 2 governors from different political parties, who tried to rule the state at the same time...
Tillman-Gonzales Murder Trial | Palmetto Special


The video take place at the corner of Main and Gervais Streets in Columbia, same site where the murder occurred. In addition, the host comes in and out of reenactment of the trial to tie the segments...