South Carolina Culture

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Hilla Sheriff | History of SC Slide Collection
Hilla Sheriff | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 128


Hilla Sheriff (1900-1988) was a leader in shaping public health policies in South Carolina. She graduated from the College of Charleston, and was one of only three women to receive a medical degree...
John R. Schorb | History of SC Slide Collection
John R. Schorb | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 127


John R. Schorb (1818-1908) was an early photographer in South Carolina, practicing first as a daguerreotypist, and later using wet and dry plate photographic techniques, in Winnsboro and Yorkville...
Richard S. Roberts | History of SC Slide Collection
Richard S. Roberts | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 124


Richard S. Roberts (1880-1936), a talented photographer, left an enduring film record of Columbia's African-American middle class community during the 1920s and 1930s. This self portrait was taken in...
Joel Robert Poinsett | History of SC Slide Collection
Joel Robert Poinsett | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 118


Joel Robert Poinsett (1779-1851) was the first American Minister to Mexico, serving from 1825-1830. As a result of that assignment, he introduced into the United States the poinsettia, a flower named...
Ellen Murray | History of SC Slide Collection
Ellen Murray | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 105


Ellen Murray (1834-1908), with two young women from the Penn School. In 1862, Ellen Murray and Laura Towne (1825-1901), members of the Port Royal Experiment, established the first school for African...
Vardry McBee | History of SC Slide Collection
Vardry McBee | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 95


Vardry McBee ( -1864) is known as the Father of Greenville, in spite of his living in North Carolina until 1834. In 1815, McBee purchased extensive properties in Greenville, and established flour...
Basil Manly, Sr. | History of SC Slide Collection
Basil Manly, Sr. | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 91


Basil Manly, Sr. (1798-1868), was the author of the resolutions leading to cleavage of the Baptist Church in 1844 into northern and southern branches. He was influential in securing the establishment...
Joshua Lazarus | History of SC Slide Collection
Joshua Lazarus | History of SC Slide Collection
Episode 84


Joshua Lazarus (1796-1861) was president of the congregation Kahal Kadosh Beth Elohim in Charleston from 1851-1861, and an investor whose efforts helped bring natural gas lighting to Charleston...