Economics and Personal Finance

Economics is the branch of the social studies that deals with how people use productive resources to satisfy their wants--it deals with land, labor, capital goods and management and entrepreneurship. 
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Debt Eliminators | Pygg E. Bank Economic$
Episode 1


Alisa Boykin introduces the topic of the lesson, debt elimination. By defining credit, Alisa discusses the difference between good and bad credit or debt with the Economic Central characters. By...
The Honorable Mary Jeffcoat | Sea Change


Myrtle Beach City Council member Mary Jeffcoat. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: What brought you to become...
Stuart Williams


Mr. Williams is the Executive Director for the Corporate Climate Alliance in John's island, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were...
Rial Fitch


Rial Fitch is the owner of Mount Pleasant Seafood in SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." Some questions addressed in the video include: What changes have you seen...
Sea Change, Part 5
Episode 5


Climate change has also made a significant impact on the economy of the low country. The billion dollar tourism industry is at risk, since banks may stop lending money due to rising maintenance and...