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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 8


Rudy and Jim discuss the process of exfoliation, which commonly takes place on rock outcroppings such as this one. Here, on this island of soil, we see more yellow jessamine, moss, red cedar trees...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 9


Large masses of granite such as this one, are sometimes called “Plutons,” named after the Roman god of the underworld. This is due the hot liquid granite coming up from the ground and cooling...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 1


Rudy and Jim visit Forty Acre Rock, which is in Flat Creek Heritage Preserve, in Lancaster, S.C. Pine Forest - The forest, once dominated by hardwood trees, is now populated with mostly pine trees...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 2


At the same stop, Rudy and Jim come across a few common species of insects which populate the area: a male Tiger Swallowtail butterfly, a Sunflier dragonfly, and a cluster of Fall Webworm silk is...
Forty Acre Rock (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 3


Damage from Hurricane Hugo, seen with some of the pine trees knocked over by high force winds, still remain. Yellow Jessamine and Japanese Honeysuckle plants can be seen growing over the damage left...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 7


Another characteristic of this forest which makes it unique is that it is has remained relatively unchanged for millions of years. The Mayapple flower is a common flower in the area, and features an...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 8


In the same stop, Rudy and Jim find a species of reptile called the Green Anole lizard, and they describe the differences between a salamander and a lizard. Illustrating more of the forest’s diversity...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 9


The cove got its shape from streams of water periodically carving out the rock. Witch Hazel and Rhododendrons are species of plants which benefit from the moisture of nearby streams.
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 10


At this next stop, Rudy and Jim find Canada Violets, White Trillium, Blue Cohosh, and a Green Frog can be seen close-by near the stream. Other plants which dominate the area are Yellow Buckeye trees...
Appalachian Cove (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 11


In the same stop, Rudy and Jim talk about the plants growing on a nearby rock: moss, Walking Fern, and another Canada Violet. On a nearby tree, Rudy and Jim find a cocoon of a Large Silkworm Moth.