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Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Science standards.

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Sandy Point (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 5


This area close by, once an oyster bed, has been covered in sand and is now a beach. A shrimping boat is seen out in the opening of the Atlantic Ocean. The area has around 280 registered species of...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 1
Episode 1


Peachtree Rock is the edge of the old ocean, located just twenty miles west of Columbia, S.C. This area is part of the “Sandhills” part of the southeastern United States. Fall Line Sandhills- at this...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 2
Episode 2


While walking along the trail, Rudy and Jim find a Fence Lizard resting on a tree trunk. Its camouflage skin is perfect for blending in with its environment, making it difficult for predators to spot...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 3


Continuing down the trail, Rudy and Jim find a Black Gum tree, whose leaves are among the earliest to change color in the fall. Blackjack Oak is tree which grows well in poor soils. They come across...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 4


A little further down the trail, Rudy and Jim come across a sandstone rock, which has cemented over time, due to the abundance of iron in the soil.
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 3
Episode 5


Rudy and Jim find some Bracken fern, which is a common species of nonflowering plant in the area. And close by, they find a feeding Funnel spider, and a Black Widow spider.
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 4
Episode 6


Hardwood Forest - On lower ground, where there is much more moisture, Red Maple, Maple Leaf Viburnum, Mountain Laurel, and White Oak trees grow very well in areas like this. Rudy and Jim come across...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 5
Episode 7


Peachtree Rock – Rudy and Jim visit the actual rock in which the area gets its name. Contrary to popular belief, it is not actually a rock, but merely a large outcropping of sand held together by iron...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 8


Further up the trail where the area has less moisture, we see Turkey Oaks and Longleaf Pines make a return. Sparkleberry, Blazing Star, and Jointweed flowers are common in this area. On one of the...
Peachtree Rock (S.C.) Stop 6
Episode 9


At the same stop, a Canebrake Rattlesnake is found resting up in a tree; a most unusual place to find a rattlesnake!