Physical Science

Physical Science is the study of non-living or inanimate objects and includes physics, chemistry, and related subjects.
Physical Science | Topics
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Physical Science | Topics
Radio | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns how radio works. D.V. goes to a station and learns about the science and technology necessary to making a broadcast work.
Sailplane | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team takes a look at sailplanes. D.V. goes to Bermuda High Soaring School where he learns that sailplanes work through the energy from towplanes and air. D.V. learns the science behind...
Radio Astronomy | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates Radio Astronomy. D.V. visits an observatory where he learns about the different types of telescopes, and how the radio waves from objects in space are transmitted back...
Nuclear Power | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns how nuclear power operates. D.V. visits Duke Power plant where he sees the necessary equipment and technology in the energy process, and how nuclear fission, or the...
Physics | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates the forces of physics through a trip to the fair.
Bridges | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns all about bridges. D.V. visits a bridge under construction and SCDOT to learn more about the construction and engineering that must occur for a bridge to be built and stay...
Glass | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team discovers how art glass is made. D.V. visits an art glass studio and watches a piece being made in real time. He learns that glass is made from silica, and there are many tools...
Plastic Bottle Recycling | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team investigates how plastics are recycled. D.V. starts by seeing how plastics are separted and compressed into bails, then follows their journey as they are processed and recycled...
Crane | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns how cranes are used. D.V. speaks with a worker from Buchner Steel at a construction site about heavy lifting cranes and their parts.