Exploring the applications of wild plants in traditional folk medicinesLife Science
Life Science is the study of living organism which include micro-organisms, plants, animals and humans.
Life Science | Topics
Bird Watching | Pee Dee Explorer
The Swainson's Warbler of the Woodbury Tract in the Pee Dee region
N.C. Zoo and Elephants Project | Project Discovery Revisited
The North Carolina Zoo, located in Asheboro, NC, is one of only two state-owned and -operated zoos in the country. With 1,400 acres, it is also one of the largest in land area. The zoo, with its...
Riverbanks Zoo | Project Discovery Revisited
Riverbanks Zoo and Botanical Garden in Columbia, South Carolina, is one of the leading zoos in the country. When Project Discovery visited this zoo, animals from apes to zebras were on display. The...
Snakes, Snakes, Snakes | Project Discovery Revisited
When the Museum of York County had a special exhibit on snakes, the Project Discovery crew visited the exhibit with naturalist Rudy Mancke of PBS’s NatureScene. There are many myths about snakes, most...
Research Vessel Palmetto, Part 1 | Project Discovery Revisited
The research vessel Palmetto is the largest ship operated by the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources. It is used to monitor offshore marine fisheries in South Carolina, Georgia, North...