Local Impacts of Climate Change in Beaufort, SC | Sea Change
Local Impacts of Climate Change in Beaufort, SC.Video
Local Impacts of Climate Change in Beaufort, SC.Video
The S.C. Aquarium has been a leader in sea turtle recovery efforts since the year 2000, but now there is an interactive exhibit that lets the public play the role of the turtle care team.Video
USC Sumter’s Mad About Science Camp took place June 26-30. Kids had the opportunity to conduct science experiments, build rockets and learn about technologies such as gel electrophoresis. The...Photo
Pelicans nest in the Cape Romain Wildlife Refuge on Bulls Island in 1944. Photo by William Baldwin for the U.S. Biological Survey. Courtesy of the National Archives and Records Administration.Photo
(Diadophis punctatus) The ringneck is very secretive and highly nocturnal. They are found under logs and rocks in moist areas. Earthworms and small salamanders are their chief prey.Photo
(Nerodia sipedon) This aquatic snake is usually found in slow moving bodies of water. This snake is often found basking on logs in the water or on rocks close to the body of water. Fish and amphibians...Photo
(Agkistrodon contortrix) The copperhead is the primary poisonous snake in the cove forest. The pit located on each side of the head between the eye and the nasal opening is a heat sensor. The prey...Photo
(Thamnophis sirtalis) This snake has a wide geographic range and is the only snake that extends its range into the northern reaches of Canada. Frogs and salamanders are the primary prey of the garter...Photo
(Lasiurus borealis) This bat is one of the most beautiful bats in the US. Red bats roost in trees and shrubs during the day. Moths are one of their preferred prey items.Photo
(Urocyon cinereoargneteus) This fox is widely distributed and associated with decidous forests. The gray fox is an omnivore and will eat fruit, insects and small mammal prey items. This is the only...