The Animal Kingdom

There are different groups of animals. One way to classify or group animals is by taking a look at their physical characteristics. Animals can be vertebrates (have a backbone) or invertebrates (have no backbone)
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The Animal Kingdom | Topics
Turkey Vultures Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Turkey Vultures Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


This edition of What's Wild is all about the misunderstood turkey vulture, their necessary role in ecosystems, and the man-made threats they face, like car strikes. It then looks at a Lowcountry...
Turkey Vultures


One of twenty-six North American raptors, turkey vultures are scavengers that can be found in almost any habitat, from coasts to deserts to plains. Learn about the misunderstood Turkey Vulture, their...
Ants Trivia Quiz | What's Wild
Ants Trivia Quiz | What's Wild


Discover the remarkable lives of these complex insects that play a crucial role in ecosystems worldwide in the latest episode of What's Wild. From their extraordinary social behavior to their...
Ants | What's Wild


Ants are some of the most fascinating and complex insects in the world. These tiny creatures are known for their remarkable social behavior and their ability to build intricate underground colonies...