Ladybug Multiply and Color Worksheet
Students use their multiplication and coloring skills with this ladybug worksheet.Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for Mathematics standards.
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Students use their multiplication and coloring skills with this ladybug worksheet.Document
Your students can practice their fraction skills to determine the number of colorful spots on the ladybugs.Document
Students use this two-step ladybug worksheet to multiply and draw the number of eggs for each leaf.Document
Students use this ladybug worksheet to practice their multiplication skills.Document
Students use this ladybug worksheet to practice their division skills.Document
This fun ladybug worksheet allows students to practice their adding skills in different ways.Document
This ladybug worksheet allows students to use word problems to practice addition and subtraction.Document
In this ladybug worksheet, students use multiplication arrays to write out the equation and find the answer.Document
This ladybug worksheet allows students to use addition and then determine if their answer is an even or odd number.Document
With this ladybug activity, students get to count and determine which ladybug had the most and least eggs.