This lesson includes interviews with people employed in the management of ocean waters on the shoreline of S.C., and all over the world! What kinds of research are necessary to keep our rivers and...
Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for the Health Education standards.
This lesson includes interviews with people employed in the management of ocean waters on the shoreline of S.C., and all over the world! What kinds of research are necessary to keep our rivers and...
The students will be able to define what a bully is and what it means to be a bystander. They will also be able to identify strategies to use in a situation when bullying occurs.
The students will be able to identify good character traits such as honesty, respect for themselves and others, responsibility, and dependability.
The students will be able to recognize different foods from each food group. The students will be able to explain the importance of eating foods from all five groups in order to grow, and have the...
This lesson is a project that allows the students to experiment and express their ideas in different ways in order to advocate against tobacco use.
For parents and children: Social distancing is necessary to stay healthy from coronavirus, but can be difficult for children to understand.Video
For children: Be a good helper and remember to wash your hands often!Video
For parents: A few do's & don'ts for families during the coronavirus outbreak.Video
For children and parents: A doctor helper explains the coronavirus and how children can be good helpers.Video
Knowitall had the opportunity to talk Lizzy Rockwell when she visited South Carolina for the Read Eat Grow event. We talked about her latest book release, How Do You Feel? and the importance of books...