Let's do some jumping jacks! Ready? 1-2-3-Go! Good job! Now, let's hop like popcorn! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Big pop! Good work!Visit the South Carolina Department of Education for the Health Education standards.
Let's do some jumping jacks! Ready? 1-2-3-Go! Good job! Now, let's hop like popcorn! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Pop! Big pop! Good work!Lesson
Students will define vegetable, vitamin, and mineral. They will be able to identify the vegetable portion of MyPlate. They will also describe the health benefits of eating a variety of vegetables.
A calendar showing fruits and vegetable for each day.Lesson
Students can define cavity, healthy food, and snacks. They will describe the relationship between excessive sugar consumption and obesity, diabetes and tooth decay. They also will demonstrate good...
Mildred McClain works for Citizens for Environmental Justice in Savannah, GA. This is her full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video...Video
Dr. Ball is a Physician, Educator, and Epidemiologist in Charleston, SC. This is his full interview from the SCETV documentary "Sea Change." The following questions were addressed in the video: As an...Lesson
Students will define farm, garden, orchard, farmers market, roadside stand, and grocery store. They will recognize foods come from different places.
Students will define nutrients, physical activity, and replenish. They will discuss why the body needs physical activity and explain the importance of replenishing nutrients after activity.
Students will define bean, protein and meat alternatives. They will identify different types of beans.
Today, the World Health Organization works to eliminate diseases such as AIDS. Like smallpox, AIDS is an epidemic, or incredibly widespread disease. Through WHO, the United Nations provides education...