Reading - Information Text

Students gain understanding by applying reading strategies of monitoring, searching, confirming, cross-checking, rereading, and self-correcting.

The Fundamentals of Reading (Nonfiction) can be found at South Carolina ELA Standards

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The Fundamentals of Reading (Nonfiction) can be found at South Carolina ELA Standards

Photography - Tetons and the Snake River | Artopia
Photography - Tetons and the Snake River | Artopia


ANSEL ADAMS A Closer Look Tetons and the Snake River is one of Ansel Adams' great western landscape photographs. The image seems to go on to infinity, absolutely sharp and clear. It is interesting to...
Photography - Rosa | Artopia
Photography - Rosa | Artopia


CHESTER HIGGINS, JR. A Closer Look Rosa is a picture within a picture. At first we see a person in costume, make-up and sunglasses. But there is another picture. Reflected in the lens of the glasses...
Photography - Parisian Boulevard | Artopia
Photography - Parisian Boulevard | Artopia


LOUIS DAGUERRE A Closer Look This Daguerreotype of a Parisian Boulevard is an early experiment by Louis Daguerre. His pictures required a very long exposure time. That's why the street seems empty -...
Alison Saar | Artopia
Alison Saar | Artopia


Illustration by Maria Manhattan Alison Saar was born in 1956 in Los Angeles, California. Her mother, the well-known artist Betye Saar, has European, Native American, and African American ancestors...
Photography - Icy Night | Artopia
Photography - Icy Night | Artopia


ALFRED STIEGLITZ A Closer Look Icy Night has many of the qualities of the sort of photograph Alfred Stieglitz and his fellow “Pictorialists” liked to take. They believed the photographer could shape...
Photography: Harvest of Death | Artopia
Photography: Harvest of Death | Artopia


TIMOTHY O'SULLIVAN A Closer Look Who are the men in this photograph? In Gardner's Photographic Sketch Book of the War, Alexander Gardner describes them as Confederate soldiers. However, there is...
Photography - Couple in Raccoon Coats | Artopia
Photography - Couple in Raccoon Coats | Artopia


JAMES VAN DER ZEE A Closer Look James Van Der Zee once said, "I tried to pose each person in such a way as to tell a story." In the studio he used elaborate backdrops and scenery but in this...
Photography - Cotton Sharecropper Family | Artopia
Photography - Cotton Sharecropper Family | Artopia


DOROTHEA LANGE A Closer Look Dorothea Lange has been called the greatest American documentary photographer, in part because her pictures gave dignity to people who had lost everything. This family may...
Photography - Copia # 16 | Artopia
Photography - Copia # 16 | Artopia


BRIAN ULRICH A Closer Look This picture, like all the photos in the Copia series, is candid, meaning it isn't posed. Brian Ulrich shot the series using a waist-level viewfinder so that he did not have...