Education & Training

"Everyone wants to make a difference, but teachers may have the best claim to being able to shape the future. By helping children learn how best to make their way through life, teachers prepare the corps of time travelers who will be responsible for mankind’s fate 50 years from now. Whatever their motivation, teachers across the state of South Carolina are enjoying satisfying, well-paid careers in supportive environments."

Pathways to Success: Education & Training Edition. Accessed October 1, 2015.


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Pathways to Success: Education & Training Edition. Accessed October 1, 2015.


 Teacher Cadet Program | ETV Shorts
Teacher Cadet Program | ETV Shorts


The Teacher Cadet program is a high school recruitment program aimed at attracting the state's best and brightest students into the teaching profession. The program provides a hands-on curriculum...
 Needler  | ETV Shorts
Needler | ETV Shorts


Located on Main Street in Lexington, The Needler serves knitting and needlepoint enthusiasts across South Carolina. The family-owned business caters to customers' needs by providing one-on-one...
 Justina Lasley, Dream Teacher | Original SC
Justina Lasley, Dream Teacher | Original SC


Justina Lasley is trying to wake up the world. She is an author and founder of the Institute for Dream Studies. Her mission: to tell everyone in the world of the transformative power of his or her...
 Angela Still, Prison Yoga Teacher | Original SC
Angela Still, Prison Yoga Teacher | Original SC


“Be here now or nowhere.” It’s a quote Angela Still lives by. Living presently is important to this busy mom of three. At every part of life, she seems to take on challenges head-on. Among her laundry...