Self-Management: Rep. Anton Gunn | Palmetto Leaders
Self-Management Representative Anton Gunn of the S.C. House of Representatives, District 79, speaks about Self-Management.Video
Self-Management Representative Anton Gunn of the S.C. House of Representatives, District 79, speaks about Self-Management.Video
Responsibility Satch Krantz, Executive Director of Riverbanks Zoo and Garden, discusses the skill of Responsibility.Video
Reading, Analyzing & Writing Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the importance of reading, analyzing and writing.Video
Self-Management Sally Roach, Executive Director of Township Auditorium, discusses the skill of Self-Management.Video
Listening Linda O'Bryon, President and CEO of South Carolina ETV (retired), discusses the SCANS skill of Listening.Video
Flexibility and Adaptability General Major Abraham Turner, former executive director of S.C. Employment and Workforce, discusses Flexibility and Adaptability. He discusses how important these...Video
Transferable Skills and Leadership Kevin Shwedo, Executive Director of the S.C. Department of Motor Vehicles, discusses Transferable Skills and Leadership.Video
Booming with industry and small town charm, Aiken has become a hub for many young professionals. AYP is an organization that helps those young professionals to become leaders within the community.Video
Bridges to a Brighter Future is a college access program for Greenville County high school students whose potential outweighs their circumstances. The three-year program starts after ninth grade and...Video
Decision Making USC Athletic Director and Former USC Baseball Coach Ray Tanner is our featured guest on Palmetto Leaders. The USC Athletic Director and two-time, back-to-back, NCAA national...