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Standard RI.MC.7.1

RI.MC.7.1 Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of using different mediums to present a particular topic or idea.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2015

Settling the Backcountry
Settling the Backcountry


South Carolina began as a proprietary colony, but in order to attract more settlers, the proprietors gave some of their political control to the landowners. This, however, did not mean that they...

Loyalists and Patriots
Loyalists and Patriots


In these lessons, students will investigate the points of view of colonists who supported remaining loyal to Britain and those of colonists who supported breaking ties with Britain.

The Roaring Arts
The Roaring Arts


Students will research and analyze changes across the nation and in South Carolina during the 1920’s. They will then in small groups prepare exhibits for a “Roaring Arts Museum”. The museum will...