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Standard RI.MC.5.1

RI.MC.5.1 Cite the evidence that most strongly supports an analysis of what the text says explicitly as well as inferences drawn from the text.

Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): English Language Arts

Year: 2015

Prosperity for South Carolina
Prosperity for South Carolina


In this series of learning experiences, students will gather information from primary source documents and media in order to develop an understanding of how early South Carolinians used their natural...

Settling the Backcountry
Settling the Backcountry


South Carolina began as a proprietary colony, but in order to attract more settlers, the proprietors gave some of their political control to the landowners. This, however, did not mean that they...

Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies


"The ancestry of East Coast barrier island wild horse breeds traces back to Spanish explorers, who were adept at the use of horses for travel, work and war. Questions remain as to whether the horses...

Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories
Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories


In this series of lessons, students will examine primary source documents and oral histories of the Stono Rebellion. Students will then create and record their own “oral history” as a South Carolinian...

The Challenge of Freedom
The Challenge of Freedom


The students will be able to create a PowerPoint or Keynote presentation about the influence of the Reconstruction Policy in relation to the Freedmen’s Bureau, Lincoln’s Reconstruction Plan, Congress’...

The Roaring Arts
The Roaring Arts


Students will research and analyze changes across the nation and in South Carolina during the 1920’s. They will then in small groups prepare exhibits for a “Roaring Arts Museum”. The museum will...

Voting Rights Act of 1965
Voting Rights Act of 1965


Students have studied the Fifteenth Amendment, which was supposed to have granted African-American male citizens the right to vote, as well as the Nineteenth Amendment which expanded voting rights to...

The Solid South Shifts
The Solid South Shifts


Students will research and describe the events and historical figures that were integral to the Solid South’s shift from supporting the Democratic Party to supporting the Republican Party. Students...