The interaction among peoples from three different continents created a distinctly American culture. To understand the contributions made by Native Americans, Europeans, and Africans to the settlement of North America, the student will utilize the kno...

Grade(s): 4

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2011

French and Indian War, Part 1 | History In A Nutshell
Episode 1


Although the French and Indian War began officially in 1756, rising tension and engagements between British and French colonists happened years prior. With the English, French, and Native Americans...
“The Voices of Slavery”
“The Voices of Slavery”


The relations between Africans and those who conquered them would was complicated. Forced to come to a strange country, slaves had vastly different experiences than their white masters in the 18th and...

Trade Trials Treaties
Trade Trials Treaties


Trade was a normal part of the Cherokee culture for thousands of years. European trade eventually changed the Cherokee way of life. In nearly 250 years of contact with whites, the Cherokees faced...

Legend of Isaqueena | Palmetto Heritage


The Legend of Isaqueena blends fact with fantasy. An Indian trade based out of Ninety Six in the early 1750's grew to become the largest business operating outside of Charleston. Alan assisted with...
Mount Vernon | Project Discovery Revisited


Project Discovery Revisted: George Washington's Mount Vernon explores Mount Vernon. Students learn what there is to do at Mount Vernon. The farming life of Washington is portrayed. Students learn the...
Henry Laurens | S.C. Hall of Fame


Born in Charleston, South Carolina, Henry Laurens (1724-1792) was a rice planter, merchant, slave trader, and Revolutionary War leader. Signer of the Articles of Confederation and delegate to the...
Avery Research Center | Project Discovery Revisited


Charleston, South Carolina, is a city rich in African American culture. Sullivan’s Island, once an entry port from Africa for the slave trade, was considered the gateway to the United States. The...