This indicator was developed to encourage inquiry into the causes of American expansion, such as a growing and diversifying population and the expansion of the plantation economy. This indicator promotes inquiry into the relationship between sectional...

Grade(s): 11

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Periscope
Elizabeth Cady Stanton | Periscope
Episode 3


In 1848, Elizabeth Cady Stanton invited Lucretia Mott and a small group of women's rights supporters to her home in Seneca Falls, New York. There, they wrote one of the most important documents of the...
Lucretia Mott | Periscope
Lucretia Mott | Periscope
Episode 2


In 1840, two American women, Lucretia Mott and Elizabeth Cady Stanton, met at an antislavery meeting in London. Because they were women, neither was allowed to fully participate in the meeting. They...
Crane | Eye Wonder


The Eye Wonder team learns how cranes are used. D.V. speaks with a worker from Buchner Steel at a construction site about heavy lifting cranes and their parts.