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Standard 8.1.P


Grade(s): 8

Subject(s): Social Studies

Year: 2019

Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies
Horses As Heroes - Marsh Tackies


"The ancestry of East Coast barrier island wild horse breeds traces back to Spanish explorers, who were adept at the use of horses for travel, work and war. Questions remain as to whether the horses...

Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories
Resisting Slavery - Oral Histories


In this series of lessons, students will examine primary source documents and oral histories of the Stono Rebellion. Students will then create and record their own “oral history” as a South Carolinian...

Charlesfort | Palmetto Heritage


In this story, in the year 1562, Jacques and Rouffi have sailed to the new world on an expedition to establish a colony for French Protestants (Huguenots). The Huguenot colony was settled on what is...
Diary of a Grain of Rice OR an Indigo Plant
Diary of a Grain of Rice OR an Indigo Plant


The mid-1700s saw the rise of plantations across the South and the move from sustenance to cash crops saw a greater dependence on slave labor. The labor-intensive, back-breaking work of planting and...

The Prehistory of S.C. | Conversations on S.C. History
Episode 2


Noted South Carolina historian Dr. Walter Edgar discusses the key issues in SC History. The Prehistory of South Carolina is discussed in eight lessons: Native Americans in SC Animals in SC Language of...
The Regulators | Palmetto Special


In this section, the "Palmetto Special" leaves Columbia and travels to Spartanburg County. At the beginning of the program the Fall Line is defined, along with an introduction to the backcountry, the...
SC Economy | Palmetto Special


The lesson begins with a young man making an "economic decision" concerning the purchase of a pair of running shoes. The host defines economics beginning with, "Economics is that branch of the social...
Rice Cultivation


Paul then leaves to check on some trucks at one of his plantations. There he visits two slaves, Tricia and John Judah, who describe for him the functional operation of the Trunk System. This was...