Brilliant Victory

Lt. Colonel Barnastre Tarleton met General Daniel Morgan's men on January 17, 1781 at the Battle of Cowpens.  General Daniel Morgan had learned much from the mistakes made at the Waxhaws and Camden. Morgan's briliant battle plan is still studied today.

Watch the episode and learn about the key people and events below.

 About The Southern Campaign
About The Southern Campaign


The Southern Campaign of the American Revolution, picks up the story after the fall of Charleston in 1780. After catastrophes at The Waxhaws and Camden, victories in battles and skirmishes such as...
General Nathanael Greene | Cowpens
General Nathanael Greene | Cowpens
Episode 1


In the fall of 1780, George Washington appointed General Nathanael Greene to command the Continental army in the South. From North Carolina, Greene sent a portion of his men under General Daniel...
General Daniel Morgan | Cowpens
General Daniel Morgan | Cowpens
Episode 2


General Nathaniel Greene sent a portion of his men under General Daniel Morgan to fight the British in western South Carolina. In response, Lt. General Charles Earl Cornwallis sent Lt. Colonel...


National Parks Service

National Parks Service

Teaching with Historic Places through the National Parks Service offers a series of more than 160 classroom-ready lesson plans (7 specifically for SC) that use historic sites as a means for exploring...