United Textile Workers of America | South Carolina Public Radio
"U" is for United Textile Workers of America.Find popular podcasts series from South Carolina Public Radio.
A Minute with Miles is hosted by longtime NPR commentator Miles Hoffman.
Historian Walter Edgar hosts Walter Edgar's Journal and South Carolina from A to Z with Walter Edgar.
"U" is for United Textile Workers of America.Audio
"U" is for University of South Carolina.Audio
“V” is for Vesta Mills of Charleston. In 1899, Spartanburg textile manufacturer John Montgomery and New York merchant Seth Milliken purchased the Charleston Cotton Mills and renamed it Vesta Mills...Audio
When violinists play, their left hands always seem to shake. But it’s not because they’re nervous. Violinists, violists, cellists, and double bass players all use a technique called vibrato.Audio
Yesterday I talked about vibrato, the technique that string players use—rocking the fingers of their left hands back and forth to create small oscillations in pitch that result in a warmer, more...Audio
I’ve been talking this week about vibrato, the vibrato that string players use to warm up their sounds, and the vocal vibrato that’s the natural product of healthy singing. All vibrato consists of...