Education | Original SC

Original SC is a series featuring stories of everyday South Carolinians living, working and experiencing all that the Palmetto State has to offer.

Learn about unique teachers and special educational events.

Angela Still, Prison Yoga Teacher | Original SC


“Be here now or nowhere.” It’s a quote Angela Still lives by. Living presently is important to this busy mom of three. At every part of life, she seems to take on challenges head-on. Among her laundry...
Ernest Middleton, Engineer | Original SC


Ernest Middleton loves electricity. At 14, Middleton says his life was not going in the right direction and his mother decided to send him to his uncle, an electrician. Together, the pair did wiring...
Justina Lasley, Dream Teacher | Original SC


Justina Lasley is trying to wake up the world. She is an author and founder of the Institute for Dream Studies. Her mission: to tell everyone in the world of the transformative power of his or her...
Stephen Wise, Geography Bee Finalist | Original SC


Stephen Wise, a student at Chapin Middle School, has a passion for geography that started out at a very early age. His early learning paid off. Wise made the cut for the second year in a row to the...