Art | Original SC

Original SC is a series featuring stories of everyday South Carolinians living, working and experiencing all that the Palmetto State has to offer.

Explore various artists below.

 Cedric Umoja, Street Artist | Original SC
Cedric Umoja, Street Artist | Original SC


Cedric Umoja is a hybrid- Western and Southern. He was born and partly raised in California but moved to South Carolina after high school. He was drawn to art at an early age with hip-hop and comic...
 Elena Madden, Water Artist | Original SC
Elena Madden, Water Artist | Original SC


For Elena Madden, inspiration for her art is in light patterns and ever-changing colors of fluid surfaces. Residing in Beaufort, coupled with living on a houseboat, Elena's inspiration is all around...
 Jim Victor, Abstract Artist | Original SC
Jim Victor, Abstract Artist | Original SC


Jim Victor is an abstract painter living in Mt. Pleasant, SC. He started drawing and painting during his school years when he became intrigued by the works of the world's greatest artists. When a...
 Kay Stanley, Designer | Original SC
Kay Stanley, Designer | Original SC


Kay Stanley only made it two days into retirement before she knew it just wasnt for her. She is, after all, a creative type that craves that visual expression and inspiration from the people around...
 Lyon Hill, Puppet Maker | Original SC
Lyon Hill, Puppet Maker | Original SC


"I can't make something to be popular...the best thing I can do is make it interesting to me and then I hope that...that I am like other people and it will find an being fiercely true to...
 Ment Nelson, Artist | Original SC
Ment Nelson, Artist | Original SC


Ment Nelson is all about purpose. His hope is that his first art collection will stir up curiosity and create an educational opportunity to bring awareness of the Gullah culture to a younger crowd.
 Tabu Hazel, Spoken Word Artist | Original SC
Tabu Hazel, Spoken Word Artist | Original SC


For Peggy Logan, a.k.a. Tabu Hazel, there is power in poetry. As a spoken word artist she is an advocate who promotes awareness of cancer, domestic violence, homelessness and sexual assault. Her...