Church Homecoming | Digital Traditions
Mazie Young shares her experiences with church homecomings.Resident of Troy, SC (Greenwood County) and mother of fox hunter Wes Young. Grew up on farm, helped husband riase hogs, make molasses, cure pork. Also a prolific quilter. Interview conducted by Anne Kimzey.
Mazie Young shares her experiences with church homecomings.Audio
Mazie Young talks about the weather of Greenwood, South Carolina.Audio
Mazie Young briefly discusses the process of making gingerbread.Document
Audio transcript for: Church Homecoming Different Weather Lived Off Land Making Gingerbread Making Molasses Necessity Of Hog Killing Quilting Senior Quilting Group Sugar Vs. Salt Curing Working At The...Audio
Mazie Young discusses the process of killing and preparing a hog to make it edible.Audio
In this Mazie Young interview segment, she discusses how the Senior Quilting Group would interact with each other and collaborate in quilting projects.Audio
She and her husband decided to cure two hogs with different methods to see which one was better