C. South Carolina Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust

Watch the full interviews of South Carolinians who survived the Holocaust and those who liberated the concentration camps or witnessed the atrocities that took place. Transcripts have been provided.

 The Seared Souls: South Carolina Voices of the Holocaust documentary is also available on Knowitall. 

The South Carolina Social Studies Standard Correlations provided for each of the videos in Seared Souls: South Carolina Voices of the Holocaust may also be used with the full interviews in South Carolina Voices: Lessons from the Holocaust

The Holocaust Forum was a collaboration between the South Carolina Council on the Holocaust, ETV, and the South Carolina Department of Education.

 Claude Hipp | S.C. Voices: Lessons from Holocaust
Claude Hipp | S.C. Voices: Lessons from Holocaust


Born in 1923 in Cross Hill, S.C., Claude Hipp was assigned to the Army infantry in North Carolina in 1943. He was shipped to Europe and marched through Camp Orsdorff where 9,000 workers had been...


South Carolina Council on the Holocaust

South Carolina Council on the Holocaust

South Carolina Council on the Holocaust - The South Carolina Council on the Holocaust was established to develop an educational program to prevent future atrocities similar to the systematic program...