This house was originally designed by Robert Mills as a residence for Ainsley Hall. At Hall's death, his widow was forced to sell it, and from 1827 until 1929 it served as the Columbia Theological Seminary, a Presbyterian training school. The two flanking buildings were built as dormitories for the seminary, which moved in 1929 to Decatur, Georgia, where it is still known as the Columbia Theological Seminary. The brick carriage house, used as a chapel, and then in 1886 the first home of Winthrop College, was moved in 1937 to Rock Hill. Owned briefly by the Columbia Bible College, the house was purchased by the Richland County Historic Preservation Commission and the Historic Columbia Foundation in 1968 and restored, and is now an historic house museum interpreted as an illustration of the genius of its architect. This postcard view was taken in 1912.
Courtesy of the Howard G. Woody Postcard Collection.